Our Experience


Whilst employment legislation can set standards and principles, scenarios can be complex, or unusual. We bring a breadth and depth of experience that allows us to understand the complexities, and identify the best way to resolve an issue. Below are some areas that we have worked on that illustrate our range of experience.

Consulting & case management


As experienced HR professionals we have undertaken investigations and case management across a wide range of issues internationally, including in tricky or sensitive situations like the below:

  • We require an independent review of a department and its management, as concerns have been raised as to discrimination, bullying and harassment under whistleblowing protection.

  • We are setting up in the UK, can you help us get the employment requirements set up and advise on market practice, salary and policy benchmarking?

  • I have an employee of X nationality who has disappeared in Y country, and I suspect has been arrested. What do I do?

  • In a routine IT audit in X country, we have found that a number of employees have used company equipment to distribute inappropriate material. What do I do?

  • In X country, I have an expat (under our sponsorship) who has an increasingly obvious addiction problem. This is placing the individual in danger, and will also expose the company to significant risk. What do I do?

  • We need to build stronger governance into our practice. Can you assist us on a review of our Performance and Conduct processes with a supporting Values and Behaviours programme?

  • We require an independent, experienced professional to undertake a third party review of a case involving claims of sexual harassment and bullying.

We always handle these situations with care and sensitivity, while bringing our extensive experience to bear to resolve issues quickly and effectively.

Female graphic designer working on computer while using graphic tablet at desk in the office

Contracting to employment conversions

There is a risk when employing contractors, that they may be considered de facto employees. We have undertaken multi-country exercises to convert long term engaged contractors into employees, and have experience of supporting clients around the world with these projects. Our experience has covered Latin and North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia and Asia-Pacific, where we’ve identified formal steps to employment for clients, including: 

  • Payroll obligations

  • Corporate tax risks

  • Personal tax obligations (of prospective employees)

  • Immigration considerations for clients to consider

Arabian businessman working in modern office

Immigration & Global mobility

We’ve worked with organisations in the following countries to support their mobility: 

  • United States

  • Canada

  • United Kingdom

  • Netherlands

  • UAE

  • Qatar

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Singapore

Our work has involved coordinating the multiple facets of international working undertaken by internal HR functions, ensuring compliance, including: 

  • Establishing Company policy and practice

  • Immigration support & Compliance training

  • Shipping & Relocation support

  • Practical local ‘how tos’, e.g. house search, opening bank accounts, spousal support etc.

Building a scaffold with bamboo in Hong Kong

Employment planning & documentation

We’ve worked with organisations to provide the required employment documentation to ensure compliance to local labour laws, and enable quick on-boarding or off-boarding in a new country. 
We provide guidance on what’s required and your key employment considerations to ensure that you are thinking ahead and reducing risk. Where required we also arrange for attestation and translation as part of our offering.

Skyline of Singapore at a beautiful sunset

Business transactions

We have provided support to clients on international customs, practice and compliance obligations, highlighting the pitfalls of generic assumptions in employment and business transfer / acquisitions. 
For example, we have advised clients on EU ‘acquired rights’ legislation and protection for transferring employees, which differs from US-style ‘employment at will’.